Pigmentation is an increase in the natural skin colour, known as melanin. Melanocytes are the cells which produce melanin and they are located in the basal layer, or bottom of the epidermis. An overproduction of melanin inside these cells are responsible for undesirable skin colouration and dark spots.

There are various types of hyper pigmentation often associated with brown spots on the skin, commonly known as freckles or sunspots. Melasma is another type of hyper pigmentation which presents more like a stain or shadow and is the consequence of many different contributing factors, including; sun exposure, genetic disposition, hormonal influences such as pregnancy or menopause and trauma to the skin.

Pigmentation issues can have a real emotional impact and really affect the quality of one’s life and should not be disregarded.

Fortunately, there are now extremely effective ways to eliminate unwanted pigmentation from the skin and improve the overall appearance safely and effectively.  

Cosmelan and Laser Treatments

Laser is a commonly used, highly effective treatment for pigmentation. It is particularly effective for low and medium skin types (1-3) where hyper pigmentation is more visible on the skin surface, it is still extremely important that a home maintenance program is followed, including avoiding sun exposure and the use of daily sunscreen, to help prevent recurrence. 

In darker skin types (4-6) laser is less effective and the likelihood of triggering hyper pigmentation is higher. With these particular skin types the “cosmelan method” can be used, providing a safe and effective treatment with low risk and a long term results.

What is Cosmelan and how does it work?

Cosmelan contains an exclusive combination of active ingredients that work synergistically together to correct and regulate the overproduction of melanin in the melanocytes. This unique formula acts of all phases of the melanogenic process eliminating existing hyper pigmentation from the surface of the skin, by stimulating epidermal renewal which targets pigmentation that is built up on the surface, and inhibiting the transfer of new melanin formation deeper within the skin - ultimately reducing the amount of melanin formed and thus eliminating unwanted pigmentation on the skin.


How many Cosmelan treatments to see a result?

It is likely visible results will be seen from 1 clinical treatment - within the first 4 weeks, however for long term results you must remain on the Mesoestetic homecare protocol for a minimum of 6 months

Can anyone have this treatment?

Prior to any of our skin treatments, we perform an in-depth consultation and skin assessment to discuss all treatment options, this helps minimise risk of complications and check a client’s suitability for treatment. Cosmelan is best suited for clients with sun induced, hormonal, stubborn and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation concerns. Due to its dual action formula and active ingredients, some clients will be contraindicated to this treatment which will be discussed at ypur first appointment

Does it hurt?

Down time can last around 5-7 days, but varies from patient to patient. Common side effects such as swelling, heat, flaking and erythema can be expected, and all side effects and contraindications will be discussed at your first appointment

How long does it take?

A clinical mask is applied and to be worn for a minimum of 8-10 hours, followed by a strict homecare plan

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